This policy covers all college-owned computer resources including hardware, 软件, and network equipment, from here on referred to as the “computer system.” The computer system of 西维吉尼亚州 卫斯理学院 is available to the students, 教师, 和工作人员 in support of the mission of the college. 这是预料之中的 that users of these resources will engage in activities such as academic work, communicating with others, 以及在履行师范生相关工作职责中获取各种信息来源. Using college computers on an occasional basis for personal use, such as corresponding with friends or family through electronic mail, may also be considered appropriate, 但在所有情况下, usage should defer to college-related activities. 没有适当的学校官员的明确书面同意,计算机系统不得用于商业或招揽目的. 学院提供的计算机资源是学院的专有财产,未经计算机中心许可,不得移动或更改, 谁负责学校自有计算机和网络设备的安装和维护.

这是预料之中的, 作为回报, that users must respect the rights and privacy of others, 并且在使用计算机系统时必须遵守学校政策以及适用于他们活动的州和联邦法律. Although the college, in its official capacity, will make every effort to respect the privacy and civil rights of users of the computer system, 所有使用者必须明白,电脑系统是由书院拥有及操作的. The institution reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to monitor any and all aspects of the activities on the system, and to take appropriate action when necessary to uphold legal, 道德, or ethical standards. 使用大学计算机系统意味着您同意遵守本政策中规定的规则和责任.

There are several legal obligations for users of the computer system. 这里提供的示例是最重要的,但不应视为完整的列表. 用户有责任了解并尊重可能规范其活动的州和联邦法规.

  • Users must obey copyright laws, including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, and respect the intellectual property of others. This includes but is not limited to music and other downloads.
  • Software license agreements must be honored. 学院尽一切努力正确购买并许可安装在学院计算机系统上的所有软件. 没有明示或隐含同意给予用户复制驻留在这些系统上的任何程序或数据.
  • 用户在大学拥有的计算机上安装任何软件之前必须获得计算机中心的批准. This includes but is not limited to 项目 downloaded from the Internet. Unlicensed 软件 will be removed as found unless a license is provided. 计算机中心可以根据需要删除不受支持的软件,以提高计算机性能.
  • 未经授权进入计算机系统或为欺诈或恶意活动(如破坏文件或程序)而进入计算机系统是违反西弗吉尼亚州法律的.
  • It is a civil offense to make false statements about another person (libel), especially if it results in the loss of that person’s good name (defamation).
  • 制造或故意传播计算机病毒或“蠕虫”是违反联邦法规的.
  • The creation or knowing distribution of a chain letter is a violation of federal statute.
  • 未经计算机中心许可,任何用户不得擅自更改或升级学校自有计算机的操作系统.

Although certain activities of users may not be strictly illegal, there may be cases where a user might violate the ethical standards of the college. 校园手册和目录中的适当行为准则适用于电脑系统的使用. Common sense and a personal sense of responsibility are important here.

  • 大学计算机系统的用户将避免访问或以电子方式传输将被视为仇恨的文本或图形图像, 有损人格的, or pornographic by the prevailing standards of the college community
  • The computer system, especially the electronic mail capabilities, will not be used to create offensive or disruptive messages. This includes messages which contain sexual implications, 种族歧视语, gender-specific comments, or any other comment that offensively addresses someone’s age, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, 国家的起源, 或残疾.
  • The privacy of other users’ files and electronic mail messages is to be respected at all times. 没有用户, with the exception of authorized system administrators, 要访问, or attempt to access, another user’s files or electronic mail messages without the explicit consent of that user. 除了, 不得擅自获取任何其他用户的密码或访问码, 除非得到计算机系统管理员的特别批准,否则不得使用他人的用户名或密码.
  • 任何用户不得擅自访问系统文件或机密学术或行政记录.
  • No College-owned computer, computer component, 投影仪, 打印机, 除移动或远程使用外,不得以任何理由将相关物品搬离校园.
  • Any user who causes damage, takes a computer off-campus for repair or other reasons, 或未经本计算机中心批准以其他方式收取费用,本计算机中心将负责由此产生的损害和费用.
  • 在您离职或任何其他时间,严禁故意破坏任何与工作有关的文件或其他资源. 所有文件, 项目, 以及用于工作的其他工具,无论是许可软件还是放置在学院拥有的计算机上的免费软件,都是西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院的财产,不得删除或复制.
  • All users must register any peripheral device before connecting it to the network. This includes, but is not limited to: wireless routers, switches, hubs, and network 打印机s.

Beyond the legal and ethical guidelines in this policy, 大学计算机系统的负责任的用户应该认识到他们是一个更大的电子社区的成员. As good citizens of this community, 用户可以采取几个步骤来利用大学的资源,使其成为对自己和他人有益的体验.

  • 学院的电子邮件系统应主要用于传达与学院有关的信息. Employees should not forward chain letter, 垃圾邮件, 笑话, or other messages that distract or interfere with the work of themselves and others. This also greatly increases your chance of receiving and spreading a virus.
  • Send mail only to the person(s) who should receive it. 向地址列表中的每个人发送邮件会占用不必要的服务器资源,并使许多邮箱变得杂乱.
  • Report improper use or vandalism of any computer resource.
  • Limit time on shared computers in the library, and defer to non-recreational users.
  • 清除共享资源(如文件服务器和电子邮箱)上的旧文件和文档.
  • Make considerate use of computer resources in public areas. 避免使用产生噪音或含有可能冒犯他人的图形材料的程序.
  • Network 打印机s should be used primarily for academic printing. Please refrain from printing large numbers of copies for personal use.
  • 用户应意识到这一问题,并定期向帮助台网站咨询建议的病毒防护程序,以尽一切努力避免计算机病毒的无意传播.
  • If abuse by a user under these guidelines is discovered, the Computer Center may at its discretion restrict user privileges on the relevant machine.
  • 用户和所有开发网页的学院单位和部门必须有营销和传播办公室批准的网页设计.

If disciplinary action is required for violations of this policy, sanctions may range from loss of computer privileges to expulsion or job termination. Disciplinary actions for students will be addressed by the Vice-President for Student Affairs, for 教师 by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, and for staff by the Vice-President for Administration. 申诉和申诉可根据学生的相关指导政策文件提出, 教师, 和工作人员.