化学系 & 生物化学 provides an intensive and versatile chemistry background for immediate employment and graduate school. 目前, there is a greater than 90% placement into professional schools, 加拿大28网址院 以及毕业后的劳动力.

We offer a rigorous academic curriculum aligned with the according to the American Chemical Society and American Society for 生物化学 & 分子生物学.  Successful completion of this major signifies that a student has completed an integrated, rigorous program which includes introductory/foundational course work, and in-depth course work in chemistry or chemistry-related fields. The major emphasizes the laboratory experience and the development of professional skills needed to be an effective chemist, and it helps in the transition from undergraduate studies to professional studies or employment, as demonstrated by greater than 90% placement into professional schools, 加拿大28网址院, 以及毕业后的劳动力.


  • 确定授予

    确定 & Maier Summer Research Program- Application due March 14 (按此申请)

    Do you want to be involved in a long-term research project that has the potential to transform the way you think about science and your future career as a researcher?

    西维吉尼亚州 卫斯理学院 is excited to host the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (确定)  和Maier research programs during summer 2023 to offer extended research experiences in the STEM areas (science, 技术, 工程, 和数学). The 确定 program will run for 8 weeks between May-July and is available to students from WVWC and other institutions around the state. 学生 will earn a stipend of $3,500 with free on-campus housing. 学生 will also be required to present their research at a state or regional scientific meeting (travel funds available).

    感兴趣? 应用!

    1. 请参阅下面所涉及的教师名单.
    2. Have a discussion with the faculty member of interest to see what projects they will be working on.
    3. 提交 应用程序 which will include a personal statement and unofficial transcripts.
    4. 申请截止日期为3月14日星期二. Successful applicants will be notified by the end of March.


    Dr. 布鲁斯·安东尼

    Dr. 金正日Bjorgo-Thorne

    Dr. 特蕾西德莱尼

    Dr. 迦勒吉布森

    Dr. 凯西·格雷格

    Dr. 约瑟夫的途径

    Dr. 奥尔德罗伊德杰西

    Dr. 媚兰萨尔

    Dr. 约瑟夫王寅

  • Hyma & 麦克劳克林化学奖学金

    化学系 and 生物化学 at 西维吉尼亚州 卫斯理学院 is pleased to offer scholarship opportunities from two endowed funds: The Nicholas Hyma Memorial 化学 Scholarship and the Nellie V. 和M. 凯瑟琳·麦克劳克林化学奖学金. The Hyma fund was established by contributions from former chemistry students in recognition of Professor Nicholas Hyma, an exceptional teacher and dedicated faculty member at Wesleyan from 1919-1956. The 麦克劳克林化学奖学金 fund was provided through a generous gift from the estate of Nellie V. 和M. 凯瑟琳·麦克劳克林. These competitive scholarships provide up to $3,000 of financial aid to several outstanding chemistry students, and may be renewed for up to four years of full-time study provided that the student continues to fulfill chemistry major requirements, 保持最少3个.5 GPA in the chemistry major and maintains a 3.总绩点25.

    点击这里 完成奖学金申请.

  • 麦卡斯基奖学金项目

    Transform your 西维吉尼亚州 Wesleyan Experience with the McCuskey Fellowship!

    应用 now for the McCuskey Family Fellowship in undergraduate research for a scholarship to work with a faculty on a primary research fellowship for three years of study!  You’ll be a part of an unparalleled high-impact practice in designing and creating your research project over three years!


  • 学生的故事

    Senior biochemistry major Malaika Kimmons spent her summer at Duke University working on a cutting-edge research project to develop a better understanding of certain pediatric cancers. Her research focused on a mysterious class of RNA molecules, and sought to understand the way they may be related to cancer. Malaika与Dr. 克里斯蒂安·斯塔克豪斯博士. Corinne Linardic, cancer experts associated with the Duke School of Medicine. Their work produced some exciting results which are included in a scientific patent application! We are proud of Malaika and excited to see what she does next!

  • 教师


    指令:生物化学, 一般有机, 有机与生物化学, 神经化学, 医学化学

    Joanna Webb, Department Chair, Associate Professor

    迦勒吉布森, Assistant professor of 化学

    Thomas Hughart, 化学 Equipment and Supplies Coordinator, CHO
    B.S., 生物化学 ,西维吉尼亚州 卫斯理学院

  • 专业
    • 化学- B.S., B.A.
    • 材料化学- B.S.
    • 药学- B.S.


      Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Science Major: The B.S. in Pharmaceutical Science major is a 3/4 program with 西维吉尼亚州 University for those students who would like to apply for Pharmacy School upon completion of Wesleyan requirements for the B.S. 学位. For a student to be admitted into Wesleyan’s three-year recommended plans of study for the Pharmaceutical Science major, he or she must enter Wesleyan having met the following criteria:

      • a minimum ACT Math score of 26 or SAT Math score of 600,
      • a minimum ACT composite score of 27 or a SAT composite score of 1800,
      • 高中累积绩点为3分.5.

      Source: pp 126 and 127, 2019-2020 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

  • 未成年人
    • 化学